Louisiana Digital News

why I chose to live off grid – my financial struggle


After a whole month living off grid in a tiny cabin, I gotta be honest with myself. I need a change. One year went by since I started my remote self employed journey, it’s really been a tremendous amount of worrying, and work. Despite a constant high level of stress, I was actually doing pretty okay.

Until I realised my savings weren’t enough for me to live anymore.
I could decide to live in the raw, with very little money. This idea’s been running in my mind for a while, and I finally came to an agreement with my desires.

I’m not interested in making thousands of dollars. However, I do want to be able to build my dream life. To buy a house and a land of my own. To discover the world. To please the people I love.

My current financial situation is beyond stressful, but I refuse to get caught by my fear. I won’t go and find a job I hate, just so I can afford to live.

I will do everything it takes to be financially… Free.

✦ : (CURRENTLY CLOSED) https://verdantvanille.com/energy-healing-verdant-vanille/

❀ : https://www.instagram.com/verdant.vanille/

♥ . Without any obligation, and only if you wish to support my work, you can donate an amount of your choice. With all my heart, thank you. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=FVB76E62YVEMQ

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