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Ukraine update: Zelensky’s government intensifies crack…


US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the Biden administration and its allies were working to isolate Russia at the global body, and called for reform to the Security Council to blunt Moscow’s impact. She spoke in an interview at Bloomberg’s Washington headquarters on Wednesday.

The US will supply Ukraine with longer-range artillery and ammunition as part of a new $2-billion package of military assistance, a person familiar with the matter said.

Key developments

On the ground

Ukraine expects fiercer fighting in February and March, said Andriy Yusov, a representative for the Defence Ministry’s intelligence service. He said Russian troops continued to make territorial gains but with higher losses than those suffered by Ukraine. Russia carried out five air attacks and six missile strikes as well as more than 65 salvos from multiple rocket launchers over the past day, Ukraine’s General Staff said on Facebook. Ukrainian troops repelled assaults near eight settlements in the Donetsk region, the General Staff said.

EU set to train as many as 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers 

The European Union is set to announce at its summit with Ukraine on Thursday that it will double its target of training Ukrainian troops under its new military mission, now aiming to run drills and teach as many as 30,000 soldiers this year, according to EU officials.

The mission, which began late last year, takes place in Poland and Germany with various EU countries involved in providing Ukrainian soldiers with specialised training, including demining.

Druzhba oil flows normal after pumping station shelled  

Druzhba pipeline, which delivers oil to some eastern European nations, “is operating normally” after the shelling of the Novozybkovo pumping station, near Russia’s border with Belarus and Ukraine, said Igor Dyomin, a spokesperson at Russia’s oil-pipeline operator. No injuries were reported from the shelling on Monday evening and damage was being repaired, he added.

Novozybkovo station is used during peak loads on the Druzhba pipeline and on a one-off basis. The station was last turned on in 2022, and that was just for a few hours, according to Dyomin.


Biden likely to visit central Europe this month, says Poland 

US President Joe Biden is likely to visit central Europe this month, Polish President Andrzej Duda says at a news conference in Riga, Latvia, alongside President Egils Levits.

Authorities stage raids in anti-graft crackdown 

Ukrainian authorities carried out raids, including on the home of businessman Igor Kolomoisky, and announced probes into officials in a stepped-up push to fight corruption and abuse of power.

The former head of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s procurement department is under investigation over purchases of poor-quality vests for the military, the Security Service of Ukraine and Prosecutor General’s Office said on Telegram, without identifying the official.

The Kyiv city tax authority chief’s home and office were also searched amid a probe into alleged abuses, Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigation said on its website.

Read more: Ukraine may expand intervention after seizure of oligarch assets

Turkey would treat separate Finnish Nato bid more favourably  

Nato must decide whether to separate Finland’s membership application from Sweden’s as talks with the latter have ground to a halt, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said at a news conference in Estonia.

“It’s not up to Turkey to separate the two membership processes,” Cavusoglu said. “It’s up to these two countries, but mainly Nato. If they separate the bids, Turkey would look more favourably to Finland’s bid.”

Turkey said it wouldn’t ratify Sweden’s bid unless it meets a demand to crack down on supporters of Kurdish militants and other groups.

Japan eyes G7 video summit one year into war 

Japan is making arrangements to hold a video summit meeting among leaders of the Group of Seven nations on February 24, one year after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the invasion, the Kyodo news service reported, citing unidentified officials.

Ukraine to analyse Human Rights Watch report on mines

Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry said it would analyse a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report over the alleged use of rocket-fired antipersonnel mines in the Kharkiv region when Russian forces occupied the area. The ministry said Ukraine, which is a signatory to the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, adheres in full to its international obligations on mines, and called on HRW to step up pressure on Russia to end its war in Ukraine.

Russian forces have used antipersonnel mines in multiple areas across Ukraine, including booby traps, since its invasion, HRW said in the report. Ukraine has accused Russia of spreading mines with the use of rockets over large parts of the Kharkiv region.

Spain to provide Leopards, says El País 

Spain plans to supply between four and six Leopard tanks to Ukraine, El País newspaper said, citing people in the government it didn’t identify.

The final number will depend on the contribution of other countries, as well as on the overall condition of the 53 tanks Spain stored 10 years ago, whose revamp is currently being discussed with the military industry.


Putin’s war keeps Russian industry humming 

Surging military production is helping to keep Russian industry going strong, offsetting much of the damage done by international sanctions and other fallout from the invasion of Ukraine.

Industrial output ended 2022 down only 0.7%, according to a consensus of forecasts compiled by Bloomberg ahead of the release of official figures later on Wednesday. According to Bloomberg Economics, there was practically no decline as manufacturing helped make up for declines in other sectors.

Nato praises Japan’s plan to boost defence spending 

Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he was glad Japan had set out on a path that would take it to a place where its defence spending would represent about 2% of its economy.

Speaking at an event in Tokyo during a visit to Japan, Stoltenberg said Ukraine needed continued support for as long as it takes.

Longer-range artillery part of $2bn in US aid 

The US will provide Ukraine with longer-range artillery and ammunition as part of a new $2-billion package of military assistance, a person familiar with the matter said on Tuesday night.

The package is being finalised as Ukraine prepares for a new Russian offensive and tries to not only hold on to recaptured territory, but to seize fresh advantages on the battlefield.

The new aid will consist largely of artillery and rounds and not include advanced weapons like long-range missiles, according to the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the plans had not been announced. DM


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