Louisiana Digital News

Reckless driving damages 130-year-old cemetery for the fourth time


ZACHARY – More than 100 feet of fence was taken down at the Greater Oak Grove Baptist Church Cemetery by a careless driver Wednesday.

The driver was not willing to stick around to cop to the damage.

“As of right now, we don’t know who did it because apparently when this accident occurred the vehicle was apparently still operable and they left the scene,” Pastor Henry Frasier said.

Frasier says reckless driving on Jacock Road is becoming a nuisance.

“This is the fourth time they’ve been in to our property. Each time incurring damage.”

Previous wrecks have taken out their sign and damaged a nearby telephone pole several times.

Frasier says the parish needs to do something to deter speeding, before someone is seriously hurt.

“We are very concerned about when the funeral train is coming in and out of here. With this kind of traffic out in the rural, you wouldn’t think folks would be going that reckless and that fast but it’s happening too often now.”

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