Louisiana Digital News

Louisiana College's Wildcat Marching Band


“Ladies and gentlemen give it up for your 2013 Louisiana College Wildcat Marching Band.” This phrase should sound familiar if you have attended any of the LC football games. The Louisiana College marching Band welcomed a new band director this fall season. Even though new marching band director, Dr. Gabriel Miller, had some big shoes to fill the year, the band has made the best of this season and added some flare to their playlist.

“We instituted a pregame show this year,” Miller said. “That’s something that I’ve liked from my college days and high school days. It’s a school spirit oriented show with the fight song and lets go LC.”

Not only is Miller the band director but he also suited up and joined the band on the field.

“I’m marching in the shows and the reason for that is it looked like we would not have any tuba players coming in. If I had known we had a tuba player coming in who was that good, I probably would’ve volunteered myself.”

“We’re doing things that are school spirit oriented but we’re also doing halftime shows and pregame shows that are entertaining to the crowd. We want to put smiles on peoples faces.”

Not only has the band been used for creating school spirit, but it is also a learning experience for many of the students.

“We have a lot of students who are majoring in music whose career goals are to become band directors we try to make sure that they have some opportunities to gain some skills that would be useful to them as they approach that career.”

The most important plan for the future of the band is to hire a fulltime band director and music education professor.

“We’ve been working diligently to find the right person and we believe God has that person in store at His timing,” said Miller.


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