Louisiana Digital News

Louisiana Channel Trailer


Impressions from Louisiana Channel which produces videos on the arts featuring the artists.

Louisiana Channel is a non-profit video channel for the internet launched by the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in November 2012. Each week Louisiana Channel publishes videos about and with artists within visual art, literature, architecture, design etc. Louisiana Channel has the aim of disseminating knowledge of art and informing the public about the importance of art to society.

Artists featured in the video in order of appearance: Jonathan Meese, Henning Mankell, Pipilotti Rist, Patti Smith, Ai Weiwei, Nicole Krauss, David Hockney, Bill Viola, Peter Zumthor, Yayoi Kusama and Ugo Rondinone.

Music by: Moby
Produced by: Martin Kogi and Marc-Christoph Wagner
Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2012

Supported by Nordea-fonden


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