Louisiana Digital News

Lady Gaga Praises Taylor Swift for Sharing Eating Disorder Journey


Another reason to love Lady Gaga?

While fans already have a long list of things they adore about the singer, she gave them another when showing her support for Taylor Swift speaking out about her battle with an eating disorder in a resurfaced clip from the 2020 documentary Miss Americana.

“That’s really brave everything you said,” Gaga wrote underneath a TikTok featuring footage from the documentary, “wow.”

And social media users appreciated the gesture from the Oscar winner, who has been open about her own history with an eating disorder. “Queen supporting Queen,” one commenter wrote, “we love to see it.” Added another, “Love the support between two amazing women.”

Although, this shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise to their followers. After all, Gaga has praised Swift before. In 2020, for instance, Gaga applauded Swift’s performance of “Soon You’ll Get Better,” a song about her mom Andrea’s cancer battle, at Global Citizen’s One World: Together at Home televised event.

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