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Does Walmart Make Keys? (2023 Updated)


Customers in front of Walmart Supercentre at Lansdowne.


If you’ve lost your house or car key, you might feel as though you’re in trouble.

Maybe your partner needs a new key to your home.

Whatever the reason, you might find yourself needing a new or extra key.

If you have a Walmart store nearby, you may wonder if the store can make keys.

Knowing if Walmart makes keys can potentially save you a trip and allow you to take care of other errands, too.


Does Walmart Make Keys?

Locksmith in workshop makes new key.


Yes, Walmart does make keys.

There are a few ways to get new keys at Walmart.

If you want to duplicate a key, one of the easiest methods is by using Minute Key.

Minute Key is a kiosk service that is similar to a vending machine.

You insert the key that you want to duplicate.

Then the machine will make the key right there for you.

It only takes a few minutes before it spits out a brand-new duplicate key.

Along with duplicating keys, you can also buy keys at Walmart.

They have a selection of different types of keys as well as key accessories to ensure you never lose your key again.

Although Walmart isn’t a locksmithing business, it does provide quite a few key services.


How To Duplicate Keys At Walmart

Woman asking locksmith to make a key copy, duplicate


When you need to duplicate your key at Walmart, there are a few steps you need to perform.

Follow these steps to successfully duplicate your key at Walmart.


1. Find A Minute Key Kiosk

You can’t duplicate a key without a Minute Key kiosk.

While most Walmarts have a kiosk, not every location will have one.

As such, it’s worth visiting the Minute Key website and running a search to see if they have a kiosk in your specific Walmart.

You can also check around during one of your usual shopping trips.

If your Walmart doesn’t have a Minute Key kiosk, it’s worth searching other big-name grocery stores and even hardware stores.

They sometimes carry the kiosk.

Once you’ve found the kiosk, you need to be sure that you bring some money with you as well as the key that you want to duplicate.


2. Insert The Key

Once you’re at the kiosk, you’ll see a little section where you place your key.

Simply insert the key that you want to duplicate into the slot.

From there, the machine should give you some prompts on the screen.


3. Choose A Style

One of the cool aspects of using Minute Key is that they provide you with different styles of keys.

While you can always stick with a standard metal key, Minute Key does provide you with the opportunity to add a little style and personality to it.

Once you’ve chosen your style, you’ll have one more prompt to consider.


4. Choose The Number Of Copies

The Minute Key kiosk also allows you to choose the number of copies that you want to make.

If you know you need three copies, you can tell the machine to make three copies of your key.

This saves you a bit of time since you don’t have to keep inserting and removing your master key each time you use the kiosk.

The machine does it all at once.

Once you confirm how many copies of the key you need, the machine starts working.


5. Wait

At this point, you need to wait a few minutes for the machine to finish cutting your key.

The kiosk cuts your key by using laser technology.

One of the great aspects of the kiosk is that it doesn’t matter if you’re not sure what type of key you have.

For example, if you’re not sure what brand it comes from, it doesn’t matter.

The computer in the kiosk can recognize it for you.

Then it cuts a copy using laser technology to give you an exact replica of your key.

After the machine finishes cutting the key, you’ll receive both your original and the copy back.


6. Check The Key

Although Minute Key is highly accurate, it’s always worth examining the two keys to ensure they’re identical.

If they look correct, you’ll want to go home and try the new key.

If it works, you have a successful extra key.

If it doesn’t work, the good news is that Minute Key offers a refund.

You have 30 days to determine if the copied key works correctly or not.

If your key doesn’t work and it’s within the 30-day window, you’ll receive a 100% refund from them.

Minute Key makes duplicating keys at Walmart fast and easy.


What Types Of Keys Can Walmart Duplicate?

Huge range of car key duplicates at display in locksmith


If you’re using the Minute Key kiosk at Walmart, it’s worth knowing what keys work with the machine.

Walmart can duplicate home and office keys.

They can’t duplicate car keys or more advanced keys at the kiosk.

They’re also not allowed to duplicate keys that specifically state, “Do not duplicate.”

Finally, they can only duplicate authorized keys.

If you are not authorized to duplicate the key, they won’t make it for you.

While the kiosk can’t handle car keys, there’s a good chance that Walmart can.

It’s worth checking with customer service to see if they can duplicate your car key.


How Much Does It Cost To Duplicate A Key At Walmart?

Walmart store exterior


If you’re using the Minute Key kiosk, it can cost anywhere from $2 to $5 to have your key duplicated.

Because the kiosk uses a machine to provide the service, you’re just paying for the material cost and a bit of a service fee.

This makes duplicating keys considerably cheap.

If you’re buying a brand-new key from Walmart, it might be a bit more expensive.

It comes down to whether you’re buying a standard metal key or a key that has some style.

Keys with prints on them are a bit more expensive than standard metal keys.

Key fobs and more advanced keys are also going to cost more.


Can Walmart Make Car Keys?

Production of car keys, Programming of car keys and repair.


Some Minute Key kiosks might have limited capabilities to make car keys.

For example, if your car uses a standard metal key rather than a key fob, there’s a good chance that the Minute Key kiosk can help you.

If you have more advanced car keys, however, you might need to buy them from Walmart instead.

Walmart has a selection of different key fobs and car keys that you can buy.

They essentially offer replacement car keys.

If you lose your car key, Walmart may be able to help.


How Long Does It Take To Get Keys Cut At Walmart?

cutting new keys


If you’re using the Minute Key kiosk at Walmart, it will only take a few minutes for the machine to duplicate your key.

Since it’s using laser technology to cut the key, it’s a relatively quick service.

The exception is if you’re making tons of copies of the key or several keys.

Since the machine has to cut one key at a time, this might make your service take a bit longer.

Buying a new key from Walmart might take a bit longer since you have to wait for the service desk to help you.


Is There A Limit To The Number Of Keys You Can Duplicate At Walmart?

Locksmith in workshop makes new key


No, there is no limit to how many keys you can make with the Minute Key kiosk.

As such, if you need an entirely new set for your household, you can have all your needs taken care of at Walmart.

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