Equality Act 2010

The UK’s Orwellian sounding Equality Act 2010 is strikingly Marxist. It demands equal pay for work of equal value where


The Affordable Rent Act

Bloomberg: Moraal is among the growing number of Dutch people struggling to find a rental property after a new law


Why Don’t We Have Flying Cars?

In the 1970s the general aviation aircraft industry was selling 15,000 or more aircraft a year but that number fell


Greg Mankiw’s Blog: Crossing to Safety

I rarely read books for a second time, mainly because I am a slow reader and there are so many


Prescriptive versus Performance Codes

A great piece in the NYTimes on the history and future of factory produced buildings: But the most remarkable difference


The falling cost of tokens

That is from Elad Gil. The post The falling cost of tokens appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION. Source link


The Swedish keyboard

I’ve been using one for a few months now, since I had to replace a kaput computer in Stockholm on


Greg Mankiw’s Blog: Macro 12e

About Me Name: Greg Mankiw Location: United States I am the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University.


I talk with Jon Hartley

Name: Greg Mankiw Location: United States I am the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. I use