Louisiana Digital News

Alberta Has Given The States An Early Christmas Present


Some folks in the US might be tempted from time to time to reword the Apostle Nathanael’s question (St. John’s Gospel 1:46) and ask, ‘Can anything good come out of Canada?’

That would be a tad presumptuous, based, if nothing else, only on the following.  The Province of Alberta has a new premier (similar to the governors of our States), Danielle Smith, and she is doing excellent work there.  First, she rooted out the globalist World Economic Forum from Alberta’s health care system.  Now she is using the powers of the provincial government to shield Alberta’s people from the harmful policies of the tyrannical Prime Minister Trudeau and the rest of the federal government in Ottawa.

Bill 1, ‘Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act,’ is well on its way to becoming law in Alberta.  Here is a little of its backstory:

The now-passed Sovereignty Act intends to prevent “unconstitutional” federal government overreach into matters of provincial jurisdiction, including but not limited to “firearms, energy, natural resources and COVID healthcare decisions.”

Smith had introduced the legislation, formally named Bill 1:Alberta Sovereignty within a United Canada Act, just nine days before its passing.

The bill will most notably help the province push back against federally-imposed rules that impact the region’s oil and gas sector, a major backbone of the western Canadian economy.

At the time of its introduction, the government explained that the act “will be used to push back on federal legislation and policy that is unconstitutional or harmful to our province, our people and our economic prosperity,” with Smith herself explaining that there is a “long and painful history of mistreatment and constitutional overreach from Ottawa has for decades caused tremendous frustration for Albertans.”

The Preamble of the Act is worth quoting in full:

WHEREAS Albertans possess a unique culture and shared identity within Canada;

WHEREAS it is the role of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta and the Government of Alberta to preserve and promote this unique culture and shared identity;

WHEREAS the Constitution Act, 1867, the Constitution Act, 1930 and the Constitution Act, 1982 are foundational documents that establish the rights and freedoms of Albertans and the relationship between the provincial and federal orders of government, including the division of legislative powers between them;

WHEREAS the Province of Alberta is granted rights and powers under the Constitution Act, 1867, the Constitution Act, 1930 and the Constitution Act, 1982 and is not subordinate to the Government of Canada;

WHEREAS actions taken by the Parliament of Canada and the Government of Canada have infringed on these sovereign provincial rights and powers with increasing frequency and have unfairly prejudiced Albertans;

WHEREAS actions taken by the Parliament of Canada and the Government of Canada have infringed on the rights and freedoms of Albertans enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in an unjustified and unconstitutional manner;

WHEREAS the people of Alberta expect the Parliament of Canada and the Government of Canada to respect the Constitution Act, 1867, the Constitution Act, 1930 and the Constitution Act, 1982 as the governing documents of the relationship between Canada and Alberta and to abide by the division of powers and other provisions set out in those documents;

WHEREAS the people of Alberta expect the Parliament of Canada and the Government of Canada to respect the rights and freedoms of Albertans enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; and

WHEREAS it is necessary and appropriate for the Legislative Assembly of Alberta to set out measures that the Lieutenant Governor in Council should consider taking in respect of actions of the Parliament of Canada and the Government of Canada that are unconstitutional or harmful to Albertans and for Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta to have a free vote on such measures according to their individual judgment;

Folks, if our more polite, irenic neighbors to the north can find the wherewithal to nullify unlawful, harmful acts of their federal government, then what is stopping us here in the States, who are a little more frank and forceful in our manners, from doing this, and doing it much more enthusiastically than them?

After all, the idea of State nullification originated in the US, not Canada, with figures like James Otis of Massachusetts and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.

There are some scattered lights on the horizon.  Texas has vowed to take control of her border with Mexico, side-stepping the dysfunctional Feds; and a bill has been introduced into her State legislature to veto federal regulations of her oil and gas industry.  South Carolina and Missouri will consider legislation to break the Federal Reserve’s destructive stranglehold on currency by making gold and silver legal tender.  Missouri’s bill would go even further, creating a bullion depository within the State similar to the one Texas set up a few years back.

But in order for measures like these to get introduced and enacted, citizens/voters must demand them from their State governments.  We encourage everyone to do that, whether with us at the Louisiana State Sovereignty Committee, through the Tenth Amendment Center, or some other way.

As we go forward on that path, however, we cannot but be thankful to God for this unexpected gift as the birth of Christ approaches, the gift of nullification from Alberta’s Danielle Smith.

Joyeux Noël to all the Hayriders out there!


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