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Pisces Monthly Horoscope


MONTH OF November

Extra, extra! November opens in the middle of eclipse season as two turbo-charged moons blaze across your communication axis. On October 25, a solar eclipse landed in Scorpio, bringing change to your ninth house of travel, entrepreneurship and long-distance connections. You may have had a big idea or heard unexpected news from afar. With the Sun in Scorpio until November 22, you’ve got three weeks to keep exploring these exciting and adventurous new ideas.

Big news: incoming? On November 8, a total lunar eclipse sweeps through Taurus and your expressive third house. A novel idea or an important message could arrive out of the blue. You may find yourself as the unwitting spokesperson for a cause or taking a leadership role in your community. Midterm elections in the United States will coincide with this tumultuous full blood moon. Your masterful mediation abilities could certainly be in demand.

Luckily, we’ll sail into a much smoother Sagittarius season on November 22 as the Sun marches into your tenth house of long-term goals and ambitions. While others start slowing down for the holidays, you’ll head into peak career season. Hold the jingle and hang your shingle: You’ve got until December 21 to knock one out of the park.


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Even better? Not only is there a career-catalyzing Sagittarius new moon on November 23, but that same day, lucky Jupiter powers out of retrograde and sprints forward in Pisces, wrapping its last golden weeks in your sign. On December 20, the planet of good fortune will depart, not to return for over a decade. So make the most of these last few weeks of the year—they’re truly yours for the taking!

Go big! It’s Scorpio season until November 22

You’ve got big ideas and supersized plans as you launch into November. Big and bold is just your speed this month, so unleash that Pisces power! The Sun is sailing through Scorpio and your visionary ninth house until November 22, putting you in the mood for expansion and adventure. You’ve got no time for small talk when you’re percolating with this much passion. Get reacquainted with your bucket list and add a few new items to it. Then get busy making plans to achieve some of these dreams. Don’t wait until the holidays to travel! Pack up for a short getaway, even an overnight, if the mood hits.

The November 8 Taurus full moon is a total lunar eclipse

Throat chakra: unleashed! On November 8, the Taurus lunar full blood moon eclipse beams straight into your third house of communication and community. You’ve got a message to share, and it’s about to come pouring out, whether you expected it to or not.

This is the second Taurus lunar eclipse in a series that began on November 19, 2021, which will ripple across the Taurus/Scorpio axis until October 28, 2023. Where, and with whom, do you feel most like yourself, Pisces? It’s time to get real about the messages you’re sending and people you’re around. Enough with the vague or wishy-washy talk! Say what you mean—and (as best as any Pisces can) mean what you say.

Take to the apps and socials with your inspired ideas since this moon will be traveling in a tight twosome with tech-savvy, innovative Uranus. Is it time to launch that podcast or YouTube show, Pisces? Progressive Uranus inspires you to come forth with an uplifting message or to get out in your community to lend a hand with holiday giving efforts.

Honor your limits though, Pisces. The moon-Uranus duo will lock into a tough T-square (three-way tug of war) with boundary-hound Saturn in your twelfth house of sacrifice and a Sun-Mercury-Venus triad in Scorpio and your maximizing ninth house. You could easily take on way more than you can humanly handle then crash in an epic Pisces state of overwhelm. While you’ll likely have to deal with the guilt of saying “no” to a lot of people, you can’t say “yes” to what truly suits you unless you do. Ask for lots of rain checks and give genuine apologies, but do NOT spread yourself thin to the point of exhaustion. 

November 19 Mars-Neptune square

Can a Pisces get a break around here? Another day that the pressure piles on arrives on November 19. Stressful Mars in Gemini and your heartstring-tugging fourth house crashes into your ruler, codependent Neptune, which is in YOUR sign. A relative, possibly your mother or a kid, could act in a manipulative way, taking advantage of your kindness. 

With Mars retrograde, you could feel the irritation even more, which could lead to an unnecessary but exhausting fight. All the past resentment you’ve been bottling up might come streaming out. Here’s a better idea: If someone’s outsized request feels too big of a problem for you to solve, be firm about saying no. You can point them in the direction of the right support structure. If you’ve got it to spare, you can even lend them a little money to help out (but only if you won’t be bitter about it later). Be vigilant about empowering and not enabling. 

November 22: Sun enters Sagittarius and November 23 Sagittarius new moon

When the Sun starts its monthlong visit to Sagittarius and your ambitious, success-driven tenth house on November 22, you’re ready to put lofty ideas into a real project plan. Go ahead and draft up your mission map—with budgets, timelines and action steps. Then, get busy knocking those items out!

The November 23 Sagittarius new moon marks one of the year’s most pivotal career moments for you. If you’re ready to start pursuing a new role or goal or a completely new path, this is the green light to begin that mission. Ask friends for helpful references and testimonials. With social Mercury and gracious Venus also in Sagittarius, it’s definitely all about who you know. Use that Aquarian likability and gift of gab wherever it’s appropriate!

Make your mark! Jupiter retrograde in Pisces ends November 23

End the year strong—and with an embarrassment of riches! In tandem with the Sagittarius new moon, lucky and abundant Jupiter ends a four-month retrograde, powering into direct (forward) motion in YOUR sign. Between now and December 20, don’t waste a single second doing anything but pursuing your personal passions and growth, and taking adventurous leaps of faith.

The next month will conclude Jupiter’s final installment of a three-part visit to your sign that began back in May 2021. You’ve been evolving by leaps and bounds, Pisces, as the red-spotted planet wove in and out of your first house of selfhood and identity. From May 10 to October 28 of this year, Jupiter advanced into Aries, supersizing your work and money house. You may have gotten too busy with your duties to attend to your own ambitious visions. Now, with Jupiter back in your sign AND not addled by a retrograde speed limit, you can get back to those dreams and plans with all you’ve got. 

When Jupiter departs on December 20, it will be for the long haul, not to return again for more than a decade. So make the most of these next four weeks, Pisces. You won’t get another like them for quite some time!

Your mind is on the big picture this month when it comes to your love life. Love planet Venus spends the first half of the month in Scorpio and your expansive ninth house, setting your sights on lofty and optimistic goals. You could have a case of “grass is greener” syndrome now, so make sure to bring novelty into your date nights if you start getting restless with your partner.

With Venus perking up your travel sector, coupled Fish might want to take an impromptu weekend getaway or treat yourself and your favorite plus-one to a pair of tickets for a sexy, bucket-list vacation. Early holiday present? Yes, please! For single Fish, Venus in this worldly part of your chart can fire up a cross-cultural or long-distance attraction. 

On November 16, Venus will shift gears, moving into Sagittarius and your tenth house of long-term plans until December 9. Until now you didn’t want to be pressured; suddenly, you can’t help wondering where a certain attachment is going. With a new year right around the corner, you could be especially eager to lock down a guarantee—and to leave indecisiveness behind.

Security feels like a sweet proposition now, and couples may revel in all the traditional holiday trappings together: cuddling by the fire (any fire!), meeting bae’s family, decorating your shared home or exchanging keys if you’re a newer couple. Single Pisces might attract more serious prospects, possibly someone older or a person you meet through work. Let your cubicle-mate set you up with a friend they keep insisting is “perfect” for you. Their matchmaking skills could actually be on point!

The only red flag (and it’s not a small one) is that the other love planet, Mars, is retrograde in Gemini and your domestic, emotional fourth house until January 12. Since October 30, the passion planet has been back-spinning, which happens every two years. So yeah, about those plans to meet each other’s families or maybe move in together? Only proceed if you’re 100 percent ready to take that step. Or hedge with some extra precautions, like renting an Airbnb instead of staying with your sweetie’s parents—or directing visiting relatives to the nearest hotel instead of your sleeper sofa for their weeklong stay. 

There are no limits, Pisces—not this month, anyway! The Sun is soaring through Scorpio and your expansive ninth house until November 22, helping you push past any career plateaus that have left you feeling stagnant. You’re already feeling the ripple effect of a potent solar eclipse here on October 25. Since the ninth house rules higher education, you could broaden your horizons by enrolling in a mind-enhancing workshop or taking a class to diversify your repertoire. Tap your inner entrepreneur—or continue fueling the one you’ve already unleashed—and explore your larger purpose in life beyond a regular paycheck. 

The November 8 total lunar eclipse in Taurus activates your expressive third house, turning you into an ideas machine. You may feel a sudden urgency to get a message out to your community. This intense event coincides with the U.S. midterm elections, so there will be no shortage of opinions being furiously typed and shared. Make sure whatever you’re adding to the conversation is proactive. Without meaning to, you could rise up as a leader on the topic. 

Love Days: 12, 16

Money Days: 23, 4

Luck Days: 21, 30

Off Days: 15, 20

See All Signs

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