Louisiana Digital News

The Mentors: Joel Breaux



Joel Breaux talks to us about his experience in the fields of public art, architecture, environmental graphics, and furniture design. Learn about how he built his career path and gain insight into the life of a designer!

What is “The Mentors?”

Design Lafayette, the social media platform for the Industrial Design program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, is creating a series of video interviews with designers, artists, influencers, and anyone else that might provide helpful insights to both design students and their fellow designers. “The Mentors” started from a desire to better prepare designers for their professions and as a means of developing and fostering relationships with and in the design community. It is hoped that these relationships will be both local and national in their scope. Each of these short videos will cover a different topic based upon the unique skills and insights of each mentor.

Want to be a part of it???

If you are interested in taking part in this project, let us know. We will send you a short survey to gather information and then schedule an interview time. Depending on your location, the interview might be filmed in person; if you are too far from the Lafayette area, we will be set up to conduct the interview online. Just email us at dsgnlafayette@gmail.com ! Looking forward to hearing from you guys!

Music: www.bensound.com


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