It looks like fans of the incredible Apple TV+ series Sunny will finally get some answers!
For the entirety of Season 1, there have been questions upon questions piling up.
Is Masa really dead? Why was he so secretive about his work? What was his relationship with Hime? How are the yakuza involved in all of this mess?

With only a handful of episodes left, we’ll finally get answers to those questions.
But at the center of all of them and the series itself is Sunny, the Home Bot who’s not like other Home Bots. She’s a cool Home Bot.
From the start, it’s been clear that there is something unique and very different about Sunny.
The series has been careful about introducing other Home Bots.
However, in the few glimpses viewers have gotten, we’ve seen that the other robots are relatively inferior to her.
Audiences were first clued in by Sunny’s ability to understand and express human emotions.

Things progressed further when Sunny developed a rivalry against Mixxy, displaying pettiness and sarcasm.
At the end of Sunny Season 1 Episode 7, things came to a head when Sunny attacked Mixxy, something all robots are programmed against as a standard feature.
In this exclusive clip for Apple TV+’s Sunny Season 1 Episode 8, we may be seeing where the idea for Sunny first began. Check out the clip below!
Clearly a flashback, we see Masa long before he started a happy home with Suzie and Zen.
Here we have the otherwise solitary Masa as he dives headfirst into his work, something that the show has made apparent was essential to the tech genius.
With a “Trash Bot” that is basically a Roomba with an arm and speaker, we may be witnessing the origin story of everyone’s favorite Home Bot.
Who hasn’t wanted to reprogram their automatic vacuum from time to time so they can stop trying to pick up things they shouldn’t?
And god forbid there’s a spill somewhere.
So, in that regard, we understand why Masa felt the need to tinker around with the otherwise obsolete Bot.
But what may be the most crucial part of the clip comes in the last few seconds. In them, we can hear a man’s voiceover explaining what drove and motivated Masa.
“It had been years since Masa had allowed himself to care about something as much as he suddenly cared about beating me.”
Masa had a technological rival that likely fueled his drive to create a superior robot.

We can kick off speculation by assuming the rival is the man who hand-delivered Sunny to Suzie (Rashida Jones.)
Things are starting to rev up again as the story and plot take off.
More than anything, though, as fun as this series has been with its perfectly placed campy comedy, it’ll finally be cathartic to know what the hell is going on!
Do you think the man speaking is the one who brought Sunny to Suzie?
Why do you think the yakuza is so focused on Sunny and Suzie?
Drop a comment below to let us know, and join us again when we share another exclusive clip from your favorite shows and be here on Wednesday for a full review of the episode!