Louisiana Digital News

One month UPDATE | High Jaundice levels | BRITTANY BRINSON


Welcome Youtube Fam!

I post all things beauty! Stick around by subscribing to not miss another post! Thanks so much for taking time to watch! Please don’t forget to give me a BIG Thumbs ups to let me know how I’m doing and Subscribe for like videos!
I really appreciate all your love and support!


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My name is Brittany Brinson. Im all about Beauty, Style, and Motherhood. I was a Self taught Makeup Artist before kids and maybe plan on going back to that when my kiddos get older. I’m also really getting into sharing my life so I guess you could add Lifestyle in there. I’m 24 years old, married, stay at home mama with three boys! We are currently back and forth from Louisiana and Texas for the hubs work (Marine Construction). We are not full time Rv living but definitely considering it for a little while as we are building a house back Home in La. We Have three dogs, Diesel, Dollie, and Axel (black lab, yorkie, german shepherd) then Stardust our Kitty who randomly showed up and never left. I really enjoy helping others by just telling my story and experiences. We strongly believe in Chirst and the power of positive thinking. I’m not your typical instagram mom life christian lady.. you will quickly figure that out.
Follow my journey

Gender Reveal

Nyx Beauty School Drop out

MOMMIN’ & Makeup

**All business inquiries and collabs**
please email






*Wishing you all the Best, Love and Happiness, God Bless you*

Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Feel Free to contribute to CC please and thank you, much appreciated!

Disregard Keywords: Self love, Positive Thinking, LOA, Instagram, Beauty Blogger, Boymom, Life with kids, Travel, Rv Living, mom Vlog, Post partum, pregnant, expecting, baby number 3, life with baby, mom life, young mom, dress the bump, baby bump, hospital bag, second trimester, third trimester, pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy week by week, look good pregnant, mommin aint easy, makeup, makeup tutorial, how to apply makeup, beauty influencer, how to apply makeup, makeup for beginners, moms who slay, mom makeup, makeup artist


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