Louisiana Digital News

Maybe a refresher course in elementary mathematics (like learning to count) is in order for our Louisiana legislators


Maybe a refresher course in elementary mathematics (like learning to count) is in order for our Louisiana legislators

Are our legislators always this thorough in reading – and comprehending – bills that they pass? Unfortunately, this is all too typical. Actions have consequences and this is a classic example of herd mentality and of kneejerk reaction to the urges of a few who would dictate to everyone else how they should live their lives.

The way this is worded, “I AM the Lord thy God” certainly reads like a commandment.

Not convinced? Read the entire (Act 676) by clicking HERE and scrolling down to page 3 of the bill as passed by a 79-16 vote in the HOUSE and (check this out) 17-0 in the SENATE, with more than half (22) not even bothering to vote.

Perhaps legislators – and Jeff Landry – should give a little more attention to learning basic math themselves before attempting to inflict their religious beliefs on children.

Only in Louisiana, folks, only in Louisiana…

CORRECTION: Sen. Alan Seabaugh has correctly pointed out that the 17-0 vote was not the final Senate vote. That was on the co-author page. We own our mistakes and readily admit when we’re mistaken. The actual Senate VOTE was 30-8 with one senator not voting. Sen. Seabaugh seems to have taken umbrage at the idea that we (and apparently anyone else) should dare “lecture” our elected officials. Interesting concept. we’ll have to get back to you on that one, Senator.

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