Set in the universe of the original USA Network drama, “Suits: L.A.” follows a new character, Ted Black (played by “Arrow” alum Amell), a former federal prosecutor from New York who has reinvented himself representing the most powerful clients in Los Angeles. The official synopsis describes Ted’s firm as being at a crisis point, forcing him to embrace a role he has always held in contempt.
Ted is surrounded by a dynamic group of characters who test their loyalties to both him and each other, while their personal and professional lives intertwine. Meanwhile, past events slowly come to light, revealing why Ted left behind everything and everyone he loved.
Josh McDermitt (“The Walking Dead”) stars alongside Amell as Stuart Lane, Ted’s buddy who helped him build the L.A. firm. The series-regular cast also includes Lex Scott Davis (“The L Word: Generation Q”) as Erica Rollins, a savvy and strong-willed rising star at the firm, and Bryan Greenberg (“One Tree Hill”) as Rick Dodsen, Ted’s protégé in the entertainment division.
Guest stars in the pilot include Alice Lee (“Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist”) and Troy Winbush (“The Goldbergs,” “The Wilds”), with the potential to recur. Lee plays Leah, a young associate attorney assigned to work with (or for) entertainment attorney Erica Rollins. Winbush portrays Kevin, Ted’s old friend and ex-partner, a former FBI agent-turned-private detective.