With 21 seasons on the air, is Grey’s Anatomy becoming repetitive?

It’s one of many topics we’ll discuss while our Grey’s Anatomy Round Table convenes to unpack Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 2.

From Mika and Jules’s relationship to Blue’s unexpected arc with his ex-fiancee, join Sara Trimble, Haley White Whitmire, and Jasmine Blu as they discuss it all!

Grey's Anatomy Round table for season 21 Episode 2.Grey's Anatomy Round table for season 21 Episode 2.
(Ser Baffo/Disney)

Are you invested in this Catherine cancer storyline, and has Catherine’s unfavorable behavior worn thin?

Sara: I’ve never been big on Catherine’s abrupt, entitled narcissism, so it’s hard for me to feel sympathetic to her plight.

We’ve been dealing with Catherine’s health issues for several years, so there’s no tension for me with that storyline. And using it as poison for Richard’s life is even worse.

Let’s move along to seeing her become humble and warm before she dies.

Catherine reacts to an update.Catherine reacts to an update.

Haley: Look, I’ve loved Catherine for a long time. But at some point, the power went to her head, and the Fox Foundation stopped being about the medicine and helping patients.

I feel for her that her health is deteriorating, but it’s frankly not an excuse to treat everyone around her like garbage.

Whether she dies or not (and at this point, I’m finding it hard to care), she owes everyone around her a huge apology.

I’m also not impressed with her decision to keep Jackson and Richard in the dark, but that’s a rant for another day.

Jasmine: I have always had mixed feelings about Catherine. Debbie Allen‘s portrayal of her is probably why I love Catherine when I do, but I’m so over this storyline.

One of my issues is that it has spanned multiple seasons, and they put it on the back burner and leave it simmering when it comes to her health. I also don’t like the redundancy of it for Richard.

But her excessive power-tripping has put me off, and the fact that it prompts me to defend Meredith when she’s clearly in the wrong herself more often than not.

Catherine gets a scan.Catherine gets a scan.

What’s your impression of Blue/Kwan’s arc with his ex-fiancee? Where do you think they intend to go with this storyline?

Sara: The entire storyline has irritated me, so I’m hoping they go nowhere with the story. His ex wanted closure, but is it fair to make him dredge up old memories to satisfy her curiosity?

For her, it’s a forgotten life. Leave it in the past.

But for him, it’s the raw emotions of a time that caused him major grief and a massive life change. Blue lost enough after his near relationship and subsequent rejection from Jules. It’s time to see him find someone to make him feel special.

Blue Saves  - tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 16Blue Saves  - tall  - Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Episode 16
(ABC/Raymond Liu)

Haley: It’s interesting, isn’t it?

After several episodes of buildup, Blue’s ex-fiancee rejected his advances.

That made me wonder whether the point of all this was to give Blue the closure he needed to forgive himself for his role in the events leading to Molly’s accident. (Not for nothing, I had to Google her name.)

Grey’s has introduced her as a tool to propel Blue’s character forward into a new relationship, but I hope I’m wrong. 

Jasmine: I love Harry Shum Jr, so this storyline’s randomness frustrates me.

It’s heartbreaking because the background is sad and unique, but it’s also not an arc I find particularly interesting, either. It seems like a random attempt to redirect Blue from the Jules situation.

The series could dig into so much with his character, and this avenue is underwhelming.

Looking Sheepish - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7Looking Sheepish - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7
(Disney/Anne Marie Fox (ABC))

Do you think Levi’s difficulties in this Peds case will be a factor in his impending departure? What did you think of his connection with the chaplain?

Sara: Levi is one of my favorite characters remaining on Grey’s, so it will be devastating when he leaves.

We can see Levi struggling to find his place in the medical world, bouncing between specialties and doctors.

Once we see a doctor get to the point where they try to shut off their emotions and connect with their patients, we know burnout is not far behind.

Schmitt hangs out at the bar.Schmitt hangs out at the bar.
(Disney/Ser Baffo)

It might be time for a sabbatical for Levi, and I can see this case being a big influence for that change.

And like Blue, I’d love to see Levi find someone to give him a happily ever after. But I’m not sure that it should be the chaplain.

While I could see the show going in that direction, I don’t feel the chemistry that should be there to make them a good couple.

Haley: Yeah, totally.

He will realize that it’s not just peds, though. He’s had heavy impacts on his mental health after challenging patients more than once.

He’s starting to realize that isn’t going to change and that maybe there’s a career for him where he can help people without watching them suffer and die so often.

Beltran and Levi - tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 6Beltran and Levi - tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 6
Beltran is not impressed with Levi’s reasoning for wanting to be in Peds. (Disney/Eric McCandless (ABC))

As for the new chaplain, the consensus among fans is that the chemistry was palpable. I’m unsure if I saw that, but he offered a kind shoulder when Levi needed it.

Whether things turn romantic for them or not, James will play a big part in helping Levi see his future more clearly.

Jasmine: Levi never fully got over that burnout he experienced during Grey’s Anatomy Season 18, and this feels connected to that in some way. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gave up medicine and pursued something else entirely.

I was curious about the prospect of Levi having a connection with a chaplain, but as much as I enjoyed their scenes, I didn’t feel romantic chemistry there — maybe a deep friendship. But we shall see!

Meredith looks concerned.Meredith looks concerned.
(Disney/Anne Marie Fox)

Mika and Jules are happily canoodling. How do you feel about this burgeoning ship when we know Mika won’t be around much longer?

Sara: I may end up Public Enemy number 1 after this, but I absolutely hate the idea of them hooking up.

It’s about as awkward as 9-1-1 making Buck gay after several seasons with zero inclinations of same-sex preference.

Before now, we’ve had zero sexual tension between Jules and any female partner. Knowing that the show is getting rid of both of their queer representations — Levi and Mika — it’s like they’re trying to pass the queer baton on to a resident who will be staying on the show.

Millin and Yasuda have a moment.Millin and Yasuda have a moment.
(Disney/Ser Baffo)

What’s next?

Jules hooking up with Amelia to cover the supervisor/resident trope Grey’s seems so fond of using? It worked for Mer and Derek.

Haley: I’ve said it in my Grey’s Anatomy coverage already, but I’m less than thrilled.

The chemistry between Mika and Jules is electric, so knowing that it can’t go anywhere serious with Midori Francis on her way out the door is frustrating.

I’ll always celebrate sapphic representation on major shows, but it’s a bummer when they’re doomed from the start.

Jasmine: Well, the Buck situation on 9-1-1 fascinates me because of how polarizing this character’s interpretations have been the whole time. But to clarify, he’s bisexual, not gay. Same continent, different country.

Study Buddies - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 8Study Buddies - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 8
(Disney/Anne Marie Fox (ABC))

I don’t think we knew much about Jules to know for sure what her sexual identity was, so that aspect never surprised me.

However, I was frustrated with how they pivoted from the fun and sexy thing they were building with Jules and Blue to jump on the natural chemistry between Jules and Mika when we all know Mika is leaving.

In that sense, I can understand where it feels like fanservice or as if they’re patting themselves on the back for introducing another queer couple to compensate for the fact that two queer characters are exiting and Helm is somewhere in the abyss; I don’t know.

Mika and Jules’s time together onscreen is on borrowed time, so I would’ve preferred they didn’t bother.

Mika Side Shot - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7Mika Side Shot - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 7
(Disney/Anne Marie Fox (ABC))

Is Winston overstepping with his constant pushiness with Webber? 

Sara: I struggle with the Webber/Winston relationship.

I get why Winston is pushing, as he doesn’t know the extent of Webber’s decline. And their connection with Maggie means they’re still in the in-law territory, even though the relationship is over.

Winston still has a non-professional relationship with Richard, giving him the wiggle room to question his reluctance to return to the operating room without crossing professional boundaries.

I get Winston’s motives, but they are starting to get overboard. Richard needs to come clean, and Winston needs to step back.

Haley: Oh my gosh, yes. LET THIS MAN RETIRE.

Richard explains some things to Altman.Richard explains some things to Altman.

For Pete’s sake, he’s earned it. The first time he announced his intention to retire was two decades ago. Winston’s mission to keep Richard at the O.R. table is so weird.

Why is he so invested in this?

Obviously, he sees Richard as a mentor and respects his knowledge and experience, but that doesn’t change if Richard steps back professionally.

Can you imagine how tired Webber must be?

Jasmine: I’m with you, Haley. Leave that man alone! I understand the mentor angle of things, but I can’t process why he invested so much energy into this.

Webber Freezes - tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 6Webber Freezes - tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 6
(Disney/Eric McCandless (ABC))

Did you sense the chemistry between Owen and his childhood friend? Should Teddy be concerned? 

Sara: I’m always on high alert for sexual nuances that could hint at burgeoning relationships.

Despite their history, I didn’t get any relationship vibes between the patient and the doctor. And I don’t feel like Teddy has anything to worry about from the family friend.

Haley: You know what’s funny?

I definitely did not notice that, but it’s probably because I completely zone out the minute Owen is on screen.

Running an Unusual Trauma - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 3Running an Unusual Trauma - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 3
(Disney/Anne Marie Fox (ABC))

But a reader did pick up on that and commented on it, and I’m seeing online that people agree. I would love nothing more than for Owen to get caught up in an infidelity storyline that causes Teddy to lose her mind and murder him.

Alas, that’s not very likely, so I guess I don’t care too much.

Jasmine: I didn’t either, so it surprised me when people hinted at that. Maybe it was the Owen bias that was coming in strong.

I also wonder what type of storylines await Owen and Teddy as, in so many ways, it often feels like they’ve run their course on the series.

Kevin McKidd can still direct his ass off, though. So I love that.

Chief No More - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 10Chief No More - Tall - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 10
(Disney/Anne Marie Fox (ABC))

Was there anything that frustrated you about the hour? 

Sara: Maybe I’m just getting burnt out after two decades of the same show, but it’s been a few seasons since I’ve felt anything for any cast.

Meredith is really annoying me lately with her absolute disregard for the rules. I understand her desperation for a cure, but she’s doing it entirely wrong.

But at the same time, I get her point of view about Catherine and would probably do some of the same stuff.

Haley: I don’t know if I felt frustrated, but I will say the scene where that kid was sobbing because he didn’t want to die absolutely ruined my night.

It’s good that 9-1-1 comes on before Grey’s because I was emotionally spent after this episode ended and in no position to watch anything else.

Ellen Pompeo as Meredith GreyEllen Pompeo as Meredith Grey
(Disney/Ser Baffo)

Jasmine: My frustration is generally related to not connecting with any of the current storylines and things feeling disjointed.

I want a clearer picture of where the season is going and what to look for, and I’m still waiting for that from the past two episodes.

What was your favorite storyline arc?

Sara: No part of this week’s episode really impressed me enough to enjoy it.

At this point, I keep watching because abandoning something I’ve spent over twenty years investing my time in doesn’t feel right.

Bailey wants her job back.Bailey wants her job back.

If I had to declare what part didn’t bother me much, it was seeing Miranda and Meredith team up to make Catherine listen to reason about her medical issues.

At this point, Bailey may be the only thing I still love about the show.

Haley: I was thrilled to see Beltran return so we could get a few scenes with her and Amelia. Those two are my current OTP for this show, so here’s hoping the writers don’t let me down.

Jasmine: Bailey, my beloved! I adored her the entire episode.

Bailey is Back in Action - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 2Bailey is Back in Action - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 2
(Disney/Anne Marie Fox (ABC))

Is there anything else you’d love to address?

Sara: I’ve ranted enough for this episode.

Haley: Does anyone else hope to see more Station 19 characters migrate to the Grey’s side?

With Warren’s return, I hope Carina and Maya will make a few appearances.

Station 19 is missed, but since the universe still exists, there’s no reason it can’t live on.

Jasmine: Yes, Haley!

I was excited for the two seconds we saw Ben during the season premiere, but I’m trying to figure out where and how Station 19 characters can fit into the fold a bit since they’re in the same universe.

Sweet Day with Pru - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 2Sweet Day with Pru - Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Episode 2
(Disney/Anne Marie Fox (ABC))

I can even understand not seeing Maya because Danielle Savre will be in Found, but Carina’s fate is the most unclear of them all, considering she’s a literal doctor there — or supposed to be.

Over to you, Grey’s Anatomy Fanatics.

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