If you can’t wait for a certain story to end, Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24 might be the answer to your prayers.

The walls will close in one villain, leading her to take desperate action that threatens several people’s lives.

The big question here is whether all of her victims will make it out alive.

Collage of Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24Collage of Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24

Connie’s Downfall Is Coming… Hopefully

Too Much Is Going Wrong For Her To Keep Causing Trouble

Connie’s storyline is the one due to come to an explosive end.

It’s about time!

The rejected true crime podcast junkie has been literally stabbing Salem citizens in the back for far too long, and that cardboard cutout of Li she keeps talking to isn’t helping this story any.

Only in Salem could one weirdo wreak this much havoc without anyone even being suspicious, especially after Melinda randomly “took a leave of absence” from a job she seemed wedded to.

Fortunately, Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24 promise this story is almost over!

Once it comes to its explosive end, hopefully Connie will be in jail or dead and someone will burn that cutout of Li.

There have been rumors going around forever that Li will turn out to be alive, which is a plot twist I could do without after how much the writers have tormented the audience with that stupid cutout.

Xander facing Fiona with a wild, angry look on his face on Days of Our LivesXander facing Fiona with a wild, angry look on his face on Days of Our Lives

Fiona Makes A Confession To Xander

However, It’s Not Likely She’s Admitting She Caused Sarah’s Accident

Fiona needs to say something to stop Xander from attacking Brady with a bat meant for breaking the pinata at a child’s birthday party.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24 say she’s going to confess a secret to him.

But before anyone gets too excited, it’s not likely she’ll admit to running Sarah over.

That would be anticlimactic, so it would only happen if the writers decided this story was a dud that needed to end ASAP.

Thus, Fiona will probably cop to sleeping with Brady, which would be better than repeating the tired TV trope of someone interrupting before she gets it out, which already happened on Friday’s episode.

Closeup of Melinda tied to a bed and gagged on Days of Our LivesCloseup of Melinda tied to a bed and gagged on Days of Our Lives

What Will Melinda’s Fate Be?

Days of Our Lives Spoilers For The Week of 9-16-24 Say Jada Finds Something In Connie’s Bed

After Jada failed to find and rescue Melinda, Connie came home and Melinda baited her into confessing more crimes.

That was a great plan, except Melinda should have waited until she wasn’t tied up to go into prosecutor mode.

Connie advanced on her with the knife, but she probably won’t kill her. I hope not, anyway.

Even though I don’t like Melinda, her death would be unnecessary and would just make this story even worse than it is.

I’m rooting for her to escape and leave a clue behind for Jada to find. Let’s have some strong women save the day instead of these constant damsel in distress stories!

Rafe lying in his hospital bed on Days of Our LivesRafe lying in his hospital bed on Days of Our Lives

Rafe Begins to Remember What Happened To Him

Like Sarah, He Has Only Vague Memories

Has Connie’s luck run out?

Shortly after waking up, Rafe seemed to remember Connie gloating after she stabbed him.

It would be impossible for him to have seen his attacker since he had his back to her, but he definitely heard her!

That’s another nail in Connie’s coffin, assuming he hears her voice in real-time.

I don’t know how Rafe will end up IDing his attacker, but since Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24 promise an explosive end, it’s likely that he will.

Jada might be upset with herself that she assumed Everett/Bobby stabbed Rafe because he couldn’t pull off a split for the sake of drama between Jada and Rafe, but she’d better put that aside. There’s a serial killer to arrest!

Ava standing in the darkened park talking to someone on Days Of Our LivesAva standing in the darkened park talking to someone on Days Of Our Lives

Ava And Stefan Face Danger Together

This Is Often The First Step Toward Romance In Salem

Every time two people get kidnapped together on Days of Our Lives, they end up having sex. It’s a Salem rule.

An Ava/Stefan/Gabi love triangle has been in the cards ever since Gabi found out about Ava and Stefan’s roll in the hay, so this latest development isn’t surprising.

But how do they get into danger in the first place?

Ava is the key to two different mysteries, and both Fiona and Connie would like to shut her up permanently, so there’s no telling how this will go down.

Connie hides a knife behind her back while facing Gabi at her desk on Days of Our LivesConnie hides a knife behind her back while facing Gabi at her desk on Days of Our Lives

An Explosive End To Connie’s Plans

As The Walls Close In, Will Everyone Involved Survive Her Downfall?

In a way, I feel sorry for Connie.

She’s not a character I would ever want to hang out with, but I get her frustration since not a single one of her plans has worked.

Instead, her attempts at revenge have made Gabi happier than ever and Melinda is refusing to quietly accept her fate as an eternal hostage and potential murder victim.

She won’t give up without a fight. Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24 promise high-stakes drama.

There’s no doubt she’ll lose the final battle, but who is she taking down with her? Will all of her hostages and would-be victims make it out alive?

Fake Abigail with a shocked and upset look on her face on Days Of Our LivesFake Abigail with a shocked and upset look on her face on Days Of Our Lives

More Bumps In The Road For Fake Abigail

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers For The Week of 9-16-24 Say  She And Mark Face Complications

I wish Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24 promised an end to this annoying story — or, at least, an explanation.

At this point, we know that Fake Abigail is Mark Green’s sister. What we don’t know is why they’re going to elaborate extremes.

Are they hurting for money? Has this woman taken Theresa’s place in trying to fake official documents for her own purposes?

That’s the only thing that makes sense, but I feel like there’s more to the story than that, and I want to know what it is.

Fake Abigail is being obvious, Chad is being oblivious, and if we’re going to go through that we deserve to know why.

Chad sitting in front of the brick wall in the park with a half-smile on Days of Our LivesChad sitting in front of the brick wall in the park with a half-smile on Days of Our Lives

Fake Abigail Continues To Trick Chad

A New “Memory” Leaves Him Deeply Moved

The truly despicable thing about this whole story is that Fake Abigail is a con artist who is manipulating a man who has been grieving for far too long and can’t move on.

Chad is so desperate to have Abigail back that he is clinging to the belief that this woman is his late wife.

It was gross when Andrea did it on Neighbours and this is equally disgusting.

She’ll fake another memory, and Chad, who should know better, will believe with his whole heart that they’re one step closer to getting the love of his life back.

It’s also not a good look for a Dimera to be this easily fooled, even if it is understandable in Chad’s case.

Closeup of Steve with a suspicious look on his face on Days of Our LivesCloseup of Steve with a suspicious look on his face on Days of Our Lives

Suspicious Steve Confronts Clyde

If Anyone Can Get Answers, It’s Him

Finally, some good news!

Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24 say that Steve will confront Clyde in an attempt to get answers.

He won’t get any satisfaction, of course. Why would he?

Last time around he tried to double-cross Clyde after Clyde had blackmailed Ava into helping him escape prison. Clyde isn’t going to want to play ball after that.

Let’s hope Steve continues to have the Salem brain.

Unlike police procedurals, Days of Our Lives loves making cops and detectives stupid so that the villains can get the upper hand, but enough is enough.

Over to you, Days of Our Lives fanatics.

Which of these Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-16-24 sounds best to you?

Vote in our poll below and then hit the comments with your thoughts.

Days of Our Lives streams exclusively on Peacock. New episodes drop on weekday mornings at 6/5c.

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