‘After the Flying Saucers Came’, ‘Think to New Worlds’ and ‘How to Think Impossibly’ review

In June 1947 Kenneth Arnold was flying a small plane over Mount Rainier in Washington when nine bright objects began


The Ancient Dacians and Their Clash with Rome (Video)

The Dacians were an ancient civilization that thrived in the northeastern Balkans, a region abundant with natural resources and bordered


Aliens and the Enlightenment | History Today

For millennia everybody knew that human beings enjoy a privileged, unique position at the centre of the universe. That self-confidence


Ancient Concepts of Fate: Deities and Influencers of Destiny

Looming over the lives of gods and mortals alike, fate was more than a concept, it was an inscrutable force,


Rome’s Fierce Neighbors: Who were the Suebi?

The Suebi were a significant group of Germanic tribes inhabiting the dense forests of ancient Germania, beyond the Roman Empire’s


Saving Southeast Asia’s Sunken Warships

Some 2,000 war and merchant ships were sunk in the waters of Southeast Asia during the Second World War, constituting


How the South Became Republican

On the evening of 1 August 1952 General Dwight D.Eisenhower, the newly nominated Republican presidential nominee, met with his advisers


Divine Deceit: Corruption at the Temple of Apollo, Delphi

As a god of many things, Apollo was also the god of prophecy. For many years, he wandered in search


Justinianic Plague – The First Pandemic? (Video)

The Justinianic Plague, which began in 541 AD, marks the onset of the first historically recorded pandemic. Originating in the


Resurrecting the Bull of Nimrud: 3D-Printing Defies Iconoclastic Destruction

It isn’t hard to see why the Assyrians considered the massive and monumental Bull of Nimrud sculpture to be a