Press freedom amid martial law

At first, everyone contrasted the outspoken freedom of Ukraine’s media with Russia’s blank censorship. Two years on, the gap doesn’t


‘Science is cool’ | Eurozine

Due to differences in school systems between Ukraine and Austria, Ukrainian adolescents often enter university earlier than Austrian students. This


Pirate AI | Eurozine

ChatGPT and generative AI truly burst onto the scene in late 2022. There’s a good chance that the intersection between


Unity or else: The EU after the elections

The recent European parliamentary elections took place against the backdrop of widespread expectations by experts and the general public alike


‘It’s important to be open’

In the second episode of Knowledgeable Youth, the students discuss a theme close to their current experience, shared by many


Welcome to the dictator’s playground

On 2 October 2018 a team of agents dispatched by the Saudi government strangled dissident Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi


Rituals today | Eurozine

What is the place and power of rituals today? On its 30th anniversary, Culture & Démocratie devotes a second issue


‘I feel freedom when I am in my school’

In May 2022, Iryna Khamayko started an educational center for Ukrainian teenagers seeking refuge in Austria after Russia’s full-scale invasion.


Something happens, somewhere | Eurozine

A non-event, a continuity: growing rapeseed in Ukraine. For the most part, it’s an unsensational succession of seasonal repetitions: hybridized


Grand Paris eviction | Eurozine

One morning in April 2016, 27 private security agents arrived on the grounds of a rundown warehouse in Vitry-sur-Seine, a