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A Three-Sided Marriage: 12 Reasons You Should NEVER Agree to An Open Marriage


reasons to avoid an open marriage

Open marriages, where partners agree to engage in relationships outside the primary relationship, have gained some traction in recent years. However, it is crucial to carefully consider the potential risks and drawbacks before embarking on this path. Here are 12 reasons why you should never agree to an open marriage.

1. Trust and Commitment

reasons to avoid an open marriage

The foundation of any successful marriage is trust and commitment. When you agree to an open marriage, you are essentially giving your partner permission to engage in sexual or romantic relationships with other people. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, jealousy, and mistrust, as you may constantly worry about your partner’s fidelity and the potential for emotional or physical harm.

2. Emotional Strain

reasons to avoid an open marriage

Open marriages can be emotionally taxing, as they often involve navigating complex feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and hurt. When your partner is engaging in relationships with other people, it can be challenging to manage your emotions and maintain a sense of stability within your own relationship. This emotional turmoil can lead to feelings of resentment, anger, and sadness. Ultimately, this can damage your relationship beyond repair.

3. Health Risks

reasons to avoid an open marriage

Open marriages can expose both partners to a range of health risks, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancies. Practicing safe sex can mitigate some of these risks. But there is always a chance that one or both partners may engage in risky behavior that could have serious consequences for their health and well-being.

4. Relationship Boundaries Blurred

reasons to avoid an open marriage

Establishing boundaries is essential in any relationship. However, boundaries can be particularly challenging in an open marriage. Partners may struggle to define and maintain boundaries, leading to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, confusion, and resentment.

5. Communication Difficulties

reasons to avoid an open marriage

Open marriages require open and honest communication between partners. However, discussing one’s feelings, desires, and boundaries can be difficult. This is particularly true when it comes to sensitive topics like sexuality and intimacy. A lack of effective communication can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and resentment.

6. Social Stigma

reasons to avoid an open marriage

Despite the growing acceptance of non-traditional relationships, there is still a significant social stigma attached to open marriages. This can lead to feelings of isolation, judgment, and a sense of being ostracized from your community. Moreover, it can be challenging to navigate social situations, such as family gatherings and work events. Being open about your open marriage may subject you and your partner to scrutiny and disapproval.

7. Legal Complications

reasons to avoid an open marriage

Open marriages can lead to legal complications, particularly if one partner decides to leave the marriage. In some jurisdictions, open marriages may not be legally recognized. An open marriage can make it difficult to divide assets, establish custody arrangements, and navigate the legal system. This can make legal counsel more expensive for everybody involved.

8. Financial Burden

reasons to avoid an open marriage

Open marriages can also have financial implications, as you and your partner may need to navigate the complexities of shared finances and resources. For example, if one partner becomes financially dependent on their other partners, it can create tension and conflict within your own relationship. Additionally, if one partner decides to leave the marriage, the financial implications can be significant, as you may need to divide assets and negotiate alimony or child support. The additional expenses of travel, gifts, and entertainment should also be considered as well.

9. Regret

reasons to avoid an open marriage

Many people who enter open marriages later regret their decision. They realize that the emotional and physical risks outweigh the perceived benefits of non-monogamy. This regret can lead to feelings of guilt and shame. Most significantly is the sense of having wasted precious years of their life on a relationship that ultimately failed to meet their needs.

10. Difficulty in Finding a Balance

reasons to avoid an open marriage

Open marriages require a delicate balance between maintaining your own relationship and exploring other relationships. This can be challenging, as you may find that your needs and desires are constantly shifting and evolving. Additionally, you may struggle to find a balance between your own needs and the needs of your partner. Ultimately, this leads to feelings of resentment and frustration.

11. Loss of Identity

reasons to avoid an open marriage

In an open marriage, it can be challenging to maintain a sense of self and individual identity. As you navigate the complexities of multiple relationships, you may lose sight of your own needs, desires, and goals. The result is feelings of confusion, dissatisfaction, and a sense of being lost within your own life. This is not a healthy place to be.

12. Potential for Abuse

reasons to avoid an open marriage

In some cases, open marriages can create an environment where one partner feels entitled to engage in abusive or controlling behavior. For example, if one partner becomes jealous or possessive of their other partners, they may try to exert control over their spouse’s actions and decisions. This can lead to a toxic and unhealthy dynamic within the relationship, which can be difficult to escape.

Open Marriage Comes With Risk

reasons to avoid an open marriage

In conclusion, an open marriage may seem like an appealing option for some couples, but it comes with a range of challenges and risks. Trust, commitment, and intimacy are essential for a healthy and fulfilling marriage, and an open marriage can undermine these core values. By understanding the twelve reasons why you should never agree to an open marriage, couples can make informed decisions about their relationship and prioritize the long-term health and happiness of their partnership.


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