Louisiana Digital News

Tiger Band featured in new song, video that artists hopes will be new game day anthem


BATON ROUGE – Lake Charles zydeco musician Sean Ardoin says the ‘LSU Chant Song’ is the next Tiger anthem.

The song is featured on his album Full Circlenamed because Ardoin returns to his roots as a Tiger Band member.

His band Kreole Rock and Roll collaborated with about half the members of the Tiger Band over a weekend to make it happen.

He says the album is the first of its kind.

“It’s the first time that an artist and a marching band have totally collaborated for the entirety of an album. Most people just do a drum section or horn section. This is the band and my band collaborating totally like they’re playing the whole time,” Ardoin said.

The video for LSU Chant Song dropped Friday before the Tiger’s victory against Bama. It features a small section of the band as well as the Golden Girls, and another Louisiana artist named Cupid whose 2007 mega-hit ‘Cupid Shuffle’ is already an anthem of sorts.

Ardoin hopes this song will be just as catchy.

“It’s a brand new sound that we’ve introduced into the atmosphere and if you like high energy stuff, it’s great for your tailgate, barbecuing on Saturday afternoon, Saturday morning cleaning, anything you need where you need a pickup or you need to feel happy. This album gives you the opportunity because it sets the atmosphere for you to choose to be happy.”

Ardoin is selling special edition vinyl in which 15 percent of the proceeds go back to the Tiger Band. You can pre-order it here.

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