Louisiana Digital News

The Village of River Ranch in Lafayette Louisiana | Real Estate



The Village of River Ranch lies to the south of the Vermilion River in the heart of southern Louisiana in the city of Lafayette, Louisiana. It is home to over 2,553 persons and over 2,000 come here to work and play every day.

The aesthetic influences found at River Ranch can be traced through the history and heritage of Louisiana. The diversity in Louisiana’s culture and customs is clearly reflected in the architectural styles that flourish throughout the village. These seven major architectural influences are Caribbean, French, American Colonial, Creole, Acadian, Spanish and Neoclassical Revival. Each style has its own distinct character and personality, yet all work together to provide variety and interest throughout the many neighborhoods. At River Ranch, we have placed greater emphasis on architectural integrity, rather than size. A small Creole cottage, when well executed, contributes as much to the streetscape as a Southern plantation home. Estate homes with carriage houses, townhouses, and condominiums all have a place within River Ranch.


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